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Bom dia traders e investidores!

 A bolsa paulista mostrava fraqueza nesta quarta-feira, mesmo após o Ibovespa recuar mais de 2% na véspera, enquanto agentes financeiros aguardam o desfecho de reunião de política monetária nos Estados Unidos, em particular as sinalizações sobre os próximos movimentos do Federal Reserve.

Balanços de empresas como Gerdau, Klabin, Iguatemi (BVMF:IGTA3), Carrefour Brasil, entre outras, conhecidos entre o final da terça-feira e a manhã desta quarta-feira, também ocupam as atenções, enquanto o final do dia reserva decisão do Banco Central brasileiro.

Às 11:24, o Ibovespa caía 0,35 %, a 101.567,3 pontos. O volume financeiro somava 4,5 bilhões de reais.

O Fed anuncia sua decisão às 15h (horário de Brasília), com o chair Jerome Powell falando a jornalistas 30 min depois.

Para o Copom, a equipe do Safra ressaltou que a expectativa é de que a Selic permaneça em 13,75% ao ano

Luis Fontes

Luis Fontes is a successful entrepreneur, qualified investor, and FXGlobe Ambassador. Based in Camaçari, Brazil, his trading expertise is in bold but calculated risk-taking.

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Our Ambassador’s Daily Picks are not trading advice. These are informational articles covering the events which happened in the market already & scheduled events which are scheduled to happen in the Economic & Earnings Calendar.

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Trading leveraged products such as Forex and CFDs carries a high level of risk thus may not be appropriate and/or suitable for all investors. The investment value can both increase and/or decrease and the investors may lose all their invested capital. The content of this website does not constitute financial or investment advice. Any information herein is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your personal circumstances, investment experience or current financial situation. Under no circumstances shall the Company or affiliated Companies have any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damage in whole or part caused by, resulting from, or relating to any transactions related to leveraged products.

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