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As part of the FXGlobe family, we want to help you be the best trader you can be. It’s why we’ve assembled this one-of-a-kind squad to be your (not so) secret advantage. These industry masters have spent years honing their skills, and now they’re here to support you.

Our Ambassadors drop tons of exclusive FXGlobe content on a daily basis, so check back regularly. Get to know their range of styles and approaches to discover who “speaks your language” and will provide the most value to your trading adventure.

Adam Harris

Jose Basagoiti

Álvaro Basagoiti

Luis Fontes

APLFX (PTY) LTD acts solely as an intermediary in terms of the FAIS Act, rendering only an intermediary service (i.e., no market making is conducted by APLFX (PTY) LTD) in relation to derivative products offered by FS INTERNATIONAL LTD (i.e., the Product Supplier).

By proceeding with opening an account, this will be registered with FS INTERNATIONAL LTD, which is authorised and regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC) with license number 700227. FS INTERNATIONAL LTD falls outside the South African regulatory framework and Vanuatu’s laws and regulations will apply in relation to your account.

APLFX (PTY) LTD is authorised by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa as a Financial Service Provider (FSP) with authorisation number 52045.

APLFX (PTY) LTD acts solely as an intermediary in terms of the FAIS Act, rendering only intermediary service (i.e., no market making nor product producer is conducted by APLFX (PTY) LTD) in relation to derivative products through a licensed Product Supplier.

By proceeding with opening an account, I hereby acknowledge the Terms & Conditions of APLFX (PTY) LTD and that my account will be opened under a licensed Product Supplier with whom the intermediary arrangement exist with APLFX (PTY) LTD.